Over 100 years of
overcome their challenges and changing their lives
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Finding the root causes of what brought our clients to us in the first place.
Our Programs
Self Sufficiency Program
Our aim is to end homelessness and addiction, one person at a time. We do this by empowering individuals with the skills they need to overcome the root causes that brought them to us and to become independent, contributing members of the community.
How It Works
When individuals come to Boulware, they are assessed and assigned a case manager who works with them to identify the reasons behind their situation. Once identified, the case manager develops an individual service plan that addresses their needs.
Drug and Alcohol Education
Alcohol and Other Drug Entity Treatment Program (licensed under KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services)
Disease Concepts
Relapse Prevention
Gambling Treatment
Certified Gambling Experts to lead group & individual sessions
Relapse prevention
Financial reconstruction assistance
12 Step GA Focused
Financial Management
Financial Literacy
One-On-One Financial Consultation
Employment Training
Job Search/Referral
Resume Writing/Completing Applications
Job Seeking/Interviewing Skills
Job Retention
Behavioral Education
General Life Skills
Good Decision Making
Anger Management
Grief/Loss Recovery
Others dictated by client population
Health Education
Healthy Lifestyle
HIV/AIDS Awareness
General Health and Wellness
Individual Case Management
Daily Staff-Client Interaction
Individualized Service Plan
Self-Sufficiency Resources
Community Program Applications
Faith Based Services
Programs to help Spiritual Growth
Bible Study Groups
Spiritual Formation Groups
12 Step Spirituality
Spiritual Wellness
Community Outreach
Intensive Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program - Public program open to men
Academic Education
GED Instruction In conjunction with KCTCS
Need Help?
Call to schedule a no-obligation, confidential assessment at (270) 683-8267
Tim is a 35-year-old male who has lived in Union County his entire life. He was referred to Boulware Mission by the Union County Family Court.
Todd is a 25-year-old male who was referred to Boulware Mission through the Ohio County Circuit Court. He had been in and out of the court system since his teen years.
John is a 51-year-old, 25-year resident of Webster County who has a long history of alcohol abuse. By his own words, he doesn't remember a time in his life when he wasn't "sad".
Drug & Alcohol Treatment Program
Boulware Mission's Intensive Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Program emphasizes the whole person, not just the addiction. We do this by addressing the spiritual, emotional, and physical effects of substance abuse. The program includes group counseling, drug and alcohol education, relapse prevention, introduction to the 12-step program, and aftercare planning. Treatment sessions are held daily.
Licensed by the State of Kentucky, Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Member NAAP (National Association of Addiction Providers)
Certified & Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors on site
Confidential admission assessments conducted by trained professionals
4-6 week duration based on individual needs
Appropriate for need to severe addiction treatment